The best money you can spend is on your education
Like you, I spend money in direct proportion to what I value the most.
I can say unequivocally that I have spent the most money in my life, and gotten the most value, out of my education.
I never even went to college. But in my adult life, especially since I started my own business and wanted to succeed, and connect my message to others, I've spent more than $100,000 in the last 20 years on courses that teach me how to market and promote and make good products and how to communicate.
I spent most of this money after I had already been successful.
I was able to figure out a lot on my own because I'm pretty clever in this regard. I can figure things out and with my own wits and skills and with the stuff I can gather myself, I could get pretty far, especially to be successful.
Like you, I understood the principles of how to be successful and how to even make websites and how to do a lot of the technical stuff, how it all worked. But there was something I didn't understand and that is how to "grow it" and "put it all together".
I did not want to spend years, maybe decades trying to figure out how to get to the next step, wondering if I would even get there at all. I needed to leverage the expertise of those experts who were already successful.
In short, I have to pay them for their expertise, in order to save me time and money and it paid off immediately. And, the lessons I have learned form them have been invaluable.
Money you spend on this type of education especially is never wasted, because it goes to making you a better person, who understands themselves and their true nature.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I still model the business lessons I learned from my mentors today, including offering a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee for all Courses.
I am committed to your success, so I need to make sure it is a good fit, as I will be mentoring you through astrology and the spiritual questions ygou have for more than 1 year!
* You are meant to know Vedic astrology.
It is not just fortune-telling or something that can help you live a happy life. Whether you become a Vedic astrologer or not is not the point. Vedic Astrology is the study of HOW and WHY you incarnated and HOW the Cosmos works.
* Yes, you can do it
It is not too complicated for you. I know you believe that, but I will prove to you that it is just not true.
Realize this:
Even 5-10 years ago it was not possible to deliver weekly videos that could be watched online. They would have needed to be on a DVD or a VHS tape - which was very expensive - having to manufacture and ship weekly DVD's would be insane.
Just think of how expensive 50 hours of video on DVD or VHS would cost. Now you pay for none of that, but you are still getting as much VALUE - and I still must make those videos, manuals, upload them, etc.
I am glad that I can pass on the saved manufacturing and shipping costs to you, especially since I can still deliver massive value.
~ Module 1 - Introduction to Indian Science
You will learn how the ancient Vedic texts, such as the rig Veda and the other Vedas led to other groups of texts, such as the Upahishads and Brahmanas. Then, how those texts led to the Puranas ( those that explain deities such as Lord Shiva, etc.). Then, how they lead to the great classics such as the Maha Barata and the Ramaya., And how those texts eventually led to the great Vedic sciences, such as yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic astrology.Universal principles such as the five elements, the 3 GUnas, The Chakras, Koshas, Karma and Dharma will be discussed at length, giving a large frame for the Vedic astrology practice. It is impossible to grasp the Vedic concepts without this knowledge and understanding of the history of Santana Dharma, Indian philosophy.
4 Classes - Topics Covered:
* The History of Vedic Culture and Literature.
* The philosophy of Sanatana Dharma and the resultant structures and sciences it has produced.
* The Vedic Sciences, as the formalizing of Santana Dharma into Sciences of living.
* Evolution of Vedic Astrology, from its Vedic roots / Naksatra based, to the form we now recognize.
~ Module 2 - Planets and Their Signs
You will learn how the Vedic sciences, studied in the previous module, begin to form Vedic astrology. First, we go very deeply into each planet and the signs that planet rules.Universal principles such as masculine and feminine, the gunas, elements, are reaffirmed. Also, principles unique to the astrology signs are focused on in greater depth. They include, the modalities, the castes.
There's a great emphasis on looking at "planets and signs". We are looking at charts the entire course, beginning with this module. Thus, immediately you learn how to compare Gunas, elements, modalities and motivations between planets and signs.
Other important concepts include the planetary order in how spirit takes form, exultation and debilitation points are examined in the synthesis is achieved as planets and signs are compared and contrasted with each other.
6 Classes - Topics Covered:
Week 1. General Planetary Attributes - Sun/Leo - Moon/Cancer are discussed. Confidence, connection and family or childish displays and tantrums.
Week 2. Mars and Signs are discussed. Courage and discipline or anger and hostility.
Week 3. Mercury and His Signs are discussed. Skill and flexibility or mindless stimulation and trivia.
Week 4. Jupiter and His Signs are discussed. Meaning and hope or
Week 5. Venus and Her Signs - The Seductive one enchants us all
Week 6. Saturn and His Signs - The Old man - the bringer of wisdom and truth - Keeping it real
~ Module 3 - Astrology Houses, Nodes, etc
You will learn the secret power and connection in the astrology houses. You will learn several important frameworks such as how "one thing leads to another", how each house is the culmination of the previous house and the origin point of the following house. You will also learn the powerful frameworks related to the four aims of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha - and how these lessons culminates and evolve through body, mind and spirit.Also, we will unpack the lunar nodes, and start to approach helps use them in the astrology chart. Also, we will begin to look at more important astronomical phenomena such as combustion and retrograde.
This module is in preparation for the purely "Vedic" methods. The course until this time has been largely teaching universal principles, that are common to all astrology systems. Beginning with module for we pitted into the purely Vedic methods.
6 Classes - Topics Covered
Week 1 - Astrology Houses 1 through 4 Examined in Detail. The unfolding of Self and those Anchoring Processes
Week 2 - Astrology Houses 5-8 Examined in Detail. The unfolding of relationship with others and the Anchoring Processes
Week 3 - Houses 9 -12 Examined in Detail. The unfolding of our relations to the universe and the Anchoring Processes
Week 4 - Rahu and Ketu Examined in Detail (an overview). See Rahu / Ketu Course for More Detail.
Week 5 - Anchoring Conditions: Combustion and Retrograde Examined in Detail. Anchoring Techniques w/ Houses
Week 6 - Review and Application of Universal Astrology 1 and 2
~ Module 4 - Vedic Astrology Methods - 1
Only now that we begin approaching the purely "Vedic" methods. At this point the course starts to get more complicated as you will actually learn how to do the calculations for planetary dignity. You will also start to learn the complex and subtle rules for house lordship.Also, we spend several weeks integrating Nakshatra's into your astrological understanding. But we go further than just rote memorization. You're taught how to actually use a Nakshatra's in chart analysis, by redoubling our efforts on the deities of the Nakshatra's and what do they trigger in their dasa cycles.
In addition, we start getting into planetary aspects and yogas. These two very important functional aspects of Vedic astrology begin to prepare us for actual chart analysis.
6 Classes - Topics Covered
Week 1- The Holistic Zodiac & Planets as House Rulers - 1
Week 2- The Holistic Zodiac & Planets as House Rulers - 2
Week 3- Nakshatras 1
Week 4- Nakshatras 2
Week 5- Planetary Aspects
Week 6- Important Yogas
~ Module 5 - Vedic Astrology Methods 2
In this module you will learn more advanced applications of yogas, and how to apply them within the structure of the dashas, in conjunction with planetary transits. In addition we will begin to apply the same principles in a harmonic charts and explore more advanced concepts and yogas, such as Vipareet Raja Yogas - Neecha Banga Yogas.In many ways, this module is preparing for the level II certification course as well. There is a lot of practice and integration of the earlier modules as we look toward level two.
6 Classes - Topics Covered
Week 1 - Vimshottari Dasa Overview
Week 2 - Character and Dasa Case Study
Week 3 - Additional Important Yogas
Week 4 - Vipareet Raja Yogas - Neecha Banga Yogas
Week 5 - Harmonic Chart Studies
Week 6 - Transits and Triggering of Karmas